
Astrology + News

Revolution - we can change the world


What does " revolution" have to do with astrology? Hard to believe, but true: the word revolution was taken from the late Latin "revolutio" (revolution) in the 15th century and initially referred to the circulation of celestial bodies in the "astronomology" of the time. And Nicolaus Copernicus initiated a real revolution through his work "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium", in which he reported on the cyclical orbits of all planets (including the Earth) around the sun .

Synchronized with today's full moon, which is integrated into the polar energy ping-pong of the Leo-Aquarius axis, the headline could also read:

Who am I really and why so many?

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amerikatitel"If it came down to popularity, Donald Duck and the Muppets would be sitting in the Senate by now".

(Orson Welles).

The presidential election in the USA on November 3 is the beginning of a new era. Because this evening around 7:50 p.m. CET, just a few hours before the polls open, the two largest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, were already heliocentrically in exact conjunction.

Thus it will only happen again on December 7, 2040. Not the only thing that seems cosmically extraordinary in this choice, but sometimes only becomes visible at second glance. Astrologically an extremely close decision with many possible disturbing factors is indicated, which can always mean a switch in the intermediate result. The assignments are even more difficult than usual - why, we'll explain in more details in the following analysis.

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SolarCoronaTitelIf somebody asked me today what I was most concerned about, the answer would be

A possible coronal disaster.

Coronal? Yes - and for now it has nothing to do with our beloved corona virus, it's more about the current solar activity. In the past months there were hardly any remarkable outbreaks etc. in this direction, only in September 2019 and about 3 weeks ago our creator got a little more excited. But all this was and is at the moment still in the "green" range, i.e. below a KP-Index of 5.

But it will probably not stay that way.

In the past 9 years, we have published a number of extensive articles here on Loop! that have dealt with the possible synchronicity of current planetary constellations and solar flares. Below are a few quotes from these articles to explain the basics of our theses to new readers:

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Stargates - the End of Randomness

EndofCoincidence1Randomness is not unfathomable. 
It has it´s regularity. 
- Novalis - 

Preface: This article was first published in 2016, after the European Soccer Championship. Originally it was written in german, so if some of this translations may sound funny, please write us a note and we will do better. And yes, we know that even the title may sound like a mistranslation, cause this article is about goals and not gates. But Stargates sound much better then Stargoals, so please be lenient... Also this article is about facts and not about the philosophy behind this research. But in future we would like once again to show our evaluation between the goals scored during the World Soccer Championship 2018 in Russia and significant, astrological aspects. And we will point out that everything we show up here, has not changed even two years later.

Research is sometimes really boring, astrological research makes no exception. Because one of the bases for any reasonable research is the collection and analysis of data. But if someone promises, that the current European Football Championship will be a good chance to be surprised (as we did about four weeks ago), then of course it´s an obligation to evaluate the relevant data.

Maybe it's also appropriate in this context to refute a widespread opinion regarding astrology and statistical analysis. Because even many colleagues who otherwise do a good job, believe that it is not possible using statistics to confirm astrological statements. Provided that this refers to certain human traits or behavior patterns, this attitude may well be right. In this context, it is also difficult to understand why so far such investigations are carried out mainly. Cause how can you clearly assign specific characteristics astrologically? 

Of course, the various Zodiac-Signs include different characteristics and mark especially certain stations in each development. Where the associated expressions can take shape in its purest form, the individual characters also distinguish clearly. Only the entire Astrology employs up with a phenomenon which is extremely complex and multifaceted. We call that normally very simply - TIME.

But in fact this is about the complexity of developments that always have their origin in a foundation which cannot be found in the past or in the future. And also our concept of presence comprises only a small part of what this naturally involves. Accordingly, the real debate thus brings strange and paradoxical truths to light that cannot be reconciled easily with our traditional world views and explanations.

And yet again things are then sometimes very simple, because if we deal with this phenomenon of time, then we find in all developments highlights and special features, which can be described very vividly by some astrological methods. And most clearly it shows up where man has largely abandoned the rational control and surrenders to the wild river of this dynamic flow we call TIME.

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Retrograde: Beware of Wrong-Way Drivers

So now toasters will explode, PCs will crash one after the other, and the simplest coordination between the head, feet, and hands will get out of control. Because Mercury has been retrograde since yesterday (Monday, 10/21) around 12:28 p.m., suspending all physical laws and moving backward through the zodiac since then. In any case, this is how it seems from our perspective as earthlings. Several thousands of years ago, this must have appeared like a wonder to nighttime observers: God's hint that something was not in order, that his plan was disturbed, and that evil powers were involved in case of doubt.

We now know that everything is fine, that neither Mercury nor the other planets turn on their heels at some point and become cosmic wrong-way drivers. All of this is just an appearance, an illusion that is created from a certain perspective. So does this mean that all of the astrological classifications in this respect are just deceptions?

Yes and no would be the clear answer. If yes, then the solar system still functions properly and Mercury is neither faster nor slower than otherwise but just continues to make its rapid orbits around the sun. But astrologers always work more with the appearance than the cold facts, and even just the geocentric standpoint expresses this. In a reality that is primarily influenced by our perception, it is therefore very legitimate to weigh something that we know only exists as an appearance.

Which brings us back to the exploding toasters. These continue to be subject to the previous laws of nature – unless we would now like to philosophize on the perception of toasters, computers, or injection pumps. Otherwise, if something breaks during Mercury retrograde, this is still generally related to the principle of transience. 

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The Lion Queen: Everything in Nothing

Rescue of the Financial Markets?

People say that she is very, very short and Janet Yellen is supposedly overlooked at first wherever she appears. There must also be tiny Leo-Suns that often compensate for lacking body height through surprising dignity and a confident appearance. Above all, Yellen's notorious, highly intelligent and academic approach to the world – with the force of a probing analytic Mercury-Uranus-Pluto in fire and a strategic stellium in Libra – is currently in demand. Which makes her new task seem logical: 

The Lion Queen in the Country of Nothing, which is internationally called the "money market" and means everything by now. Such as the ascent and demise of many. The Neptunian-Uranian playground where sandcastles are currently collapsing. The male Leo searches for the female Leo and Obama nominates Yellen as the first female head in the history of the US Federal Reserve, which is just 100 years old, due to the threatening national bankruptcy. The petite lady, who is married to Nobel Prizewinner in Economic Sciences George Akerlof, is needed as the rescuer of a situation that has been exhausted to the utmost limit and in which the astrological Pluto-Saturn reception is in a clinch with Aries-Uranus.

With Neptune on Libra-Venus-Mars, she is actually mentally made for giving the seriously shaken Federal Reserve System – which vacillates between air bubbles and earthly demands – a theoretic happy ending at the least. At the same time, the difficult story of virtual money in America (and also globally due to interconnections) began with precisely this Fed back when it took control in America. This occurred in 1913, under the Capricorn-Sun opposition Pluto and an almost unaspected Uranus (square to the Moon is still under suspicion) as the riotous subtenant of the absurd in the eternal search for the stability of values. In its cosmos, money is just an expression: the symbol for safeguarding.

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The White Widow and the GC

This woman is a phantom. The White Widow – mother, strategist, and suspected terrorist – has the type of horoscope that we do not see every day. Even if we just know the noon positions. Five Sagittarius factors, three of which are very close to the Galactic Center of all places. After the bloodbath at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, which also began with the ascendant (time: "about noon") on the GC, a vehement search for Samantha Lewthwaite is underway by Interpol per Red Notice. The almost 30-year-old (with a concentration of all ten classic natal chart factors between Libra and Capricorn) is now the most wanted woman in the world. She is described as dangerous, possibly a bomb-builder, and suspected of terrorism. 

People with many natal chart positions close to the Milky Way system's center of mass often have a considerable pull on the surrounding world. They radiate and attract, and the result frequently results in unusual turns in life. They can be grandiose or extremely destructive. Lewthwaite's nickname of White Widow is not just a blueprint of the Chechen suicide-assassins called the Black Widows. It also refers to the astrological proximity of the Scorpionic (Scorpio-Pluto sextile to Mercury in the birth picture), the Western origin, and the fact that Lewthwaite has two children with the assassin Germaine Lindsay. He died in 2005 during the underground attacks in London. Appropriate to her galactic positions, his Sun is located just before the Super Galactic Center at 2 Libra.

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Amon, the Girl, and Courage

There are stories that are so eerie, oppressive, and courageous that they turn life and its otherwise so certain causal standards upside down. From the astrological perspective, the old "destiny planets" usually play a leading role here. On a warm August day in 2008, Chiron mundane is in conjunction with the Moon's North Node. An aspect of the most intense injury and healing. Together with Neptune, the two form a square to the Taurus birth-Saturn (and the Moon) of a 38-year-old woman who stands in a Hamburg library and leafs through a book. From one minute to the next, she suddenly loses her old life and finds a completely new identity. Her transit constellation also means: inconsolability. 

The woman is very tall, beautiful, has a Cancer-Sun, and is currently experiencing the serious Pluto opposition over her Gemini-Mercury, which already brings a square to her birth-Pluto with it. This means fixated, probing thinking that encircles and senses in a detective-like manner. With her dark skin color, she had also been hurtfully called a half-breed person in earlier times. Her name is Jennifer and she is searching for something that could help her to understand her years of depression.


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The Woman Who Lived in Pain

The Broken Myth of Alice Miller: 

We could have anticipated it in astrological terms. Even if just as little is known about her birth time as almost everything else in her biography. And not because the psychologist would have wanted to turn herself into the myth that she then became. But due to her suppression of what was her own. She was a woman with an earthly-earthy Capricorn-Sun, a pragmatist who was aloof, highly intelligent, deep and imaginative with this very difficult Scorpio-Moon that always had to exploit the depths and, above all, the crashes of the emotional down to the primal ground, where there is emptiness. Where either the ascent begins anew or death results.

With Jupiter at this sensitive, tormented predetermined breaking point between intensity, own power, and trauma. Scorpio. A catalyst that over-expands both possible poles of the Plutonian in life as the voice of all traumatized children until the endlessly possessive sensation turns in a giant, controlling cage of feelings and suppresses everything that is real. In addition to Lilith-Chiron in Aries square Pluto in Cancer. The crazy wound of the Black Eve in the battle with the abyss in her baggage. Her war trauma caused Miller to dissociate.

The woman, the daughter who always lived in pain – without any witnesses because she did not allow them in her Saturnian clarity and boundaries to the Sun and the controlling Moon. Until she gave birth to her son, who turned this myth into a mother and confronted her with her deficits alone through his existence as a baby, in 1950. Power and helplessness; narcissistic slight when the infant does not want to drink from her breast – from the dark worlds of her own Pluto, the Moon. This watches hermetically over the Scorpio-Moon when things get bad. A boy who must live with all of the shadows of her shadows throughout his entire life. Who can only uplift them when Alice Miller, the mother, uplifts them. But she does not do this. Who pulls the invisible iceberg beneath them from the darkness in which Alice Miller lives decades later – a part of the human being, the vulnerable woman, with all of her burdens. Jupiter places a luster and perspective over everything that pushes him from behind, from the unconscious corner of Sagittarius, its 12th house, the Scorpio. Whatever remains blind chokes when it is not voluntarily opened.

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Voyager - Beyond the Magic Boundary

Almost unnoticed by the world's hubbub on our blue planet, a truly historical event has occurred: Presumably on August 25 of last year, an object created by human beings left the inner circle of our solar system, the heliosphere, for the first time. Voyager 1 is now in interstellar space, where the solar wind is at most a balmy breeze. This is reason enough to also examine this journey astrologically because something like this definitely raises questions related to the model of astrology. And as strange as it sounds, the Voyager project may also offer a few new insights here.

The first question – "Can the astrological model even be transferred to a soulless machine?" – is quickly answered. No. If we had data on the point in time that the Voyager probe was "switched on" for the first time, this would express something about its functionality (for example, when certain systems are endangered, how they work together under certain conditions, etc.). But since this point in time is unknown, there is just one other astrological approach. We take the travel data as the starting point.

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They Loved and They Hit Each Other

Toolkit for couple´s astrology:

"We are a lovable, charming, decadent, hopeless couple." 
(Burton about Burton-Taylor)

Couple's astrology – how does that actually work? Today's Astrolab provides a little guide to the perception of a relationship - as an astrological analysis emergency kit, not just for serious cases: 

They were heaven and hell and vice versa. Who was actually just acting a role instead of being it was never really clear in the end. After all, Taylor and Burton were both very striking, narcissistic, and dominant. That Cleopatra turned Marcus Antonius into a supplicant in the film also was reflected in the life of the actors. Sometimes for her, sometimes for him. Everyone gets the flick that they deserve. This is why the loving lovers and fighters (married to each other twice, then twice divorced) serve as such a good example to explain the workings of what are actually the most important methods of couple's astrology. The toolkit of couple's astrology actually just needs three tools to start; however, they must be learned, mastered, and translated in a step-by-step manner to achieve a somewhat correct picture of the relationship. 

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Venus in a Fever: The Wave of Separations

It is intense this time: All of them are suddenly doing it. Relationships are apparently falling apart more easily than ever right now, and the reason for this can be wonderfully seen from the astrological perspective: When Venus transits through its sign of Libra (which represents the public sphere, relationship, gossip, and celebrity, among other things) there is also always abundant news in view of the eye-catching couple stories of the celebrities. But during this year, when Venus – traditionally described as such a harmonious indicator of encounters (a major misunderstanding since Venus can be crystal clear and hard as steel!) – breaks into the cardinal square of Uranus and Pluto and virtually provokes it at the moment, the primary motto is: separation.

There is a new report on this topic every day. Venus in the spiritual start-up sign gives a powerful push to initiatives and such bulletins. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas (born on the same day) are momentarily leading the charts, accompanied by Western Sheriff Eastwood and Dina Ruiz, and Google luminary Sergey Brin and his long-time love Anne Wojcicki are making headlines with the end of their relationships. After 14 years of marriage, Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassell have also proclaimed: This is it! Quite a bit is suddenly washing up. All of this is very easily visible and understandable from the astrological perspective.

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Fukushima: There's a Hole in the Bucket

And the bucket in this case is the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, a radiating time bomb that now is causing frightening headlines punctually at the precise square of Jupiter and Uranus. According to the most recent explanations by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, up to 300 tons of radioactive contaminated groundwater run into the ocean every day. And now there are even more leaks, so the radiation exposure is getting higher and higher. We have already described the background in two articles (Japan: Attempt at an Analysis and Fukushima and No End ). Now the question arises as to how long this systematic contamination will continue.

We can say this right at the start: A quick improvement is not in sight. All of the reactor blocks have relatively reliable data that shows a basic tendency. Fukushima remains in the crosshairs of Uranus and Pluto.

Daiichi I

The beginning of construction for the first reactor block started on July 25, 1967 (no time available). Even the first glance shows a classic disposition to accidents; Mars (2° Scorpio) stands in the square to Leo-Sun. Pluto and Uranus (both signifiers for nuclear power) stand in conjunction with each other. With the corresponding time, the Pisces-Moon could also be in a wide opposition to it.

For the further course, the positions of Saturn and Mercury – which stand in the square to each other – are important. On the old familiar degrees of 12 Aries or 13 Cancer. In addition to the tendency to have accidents as a basic Sun theme, disfunctionality is also indicated here; in this case, it is the connecting parts (Mercury). It may also be an expression of the operators no longer understanding their own reactor and not having any idea of how they should solve the problems.

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Pluto Posthumous: Lady Di and the Accident

Myths and fairytales arise when idols die. Now that the legend Lady Diana posthumously has a Pluto opposition Sun, another story has been added. On 31 August 1997 – almost exactly one year after her divorce from Prince Charles (who has Uranus as Lord 7 on Aquarius DC precisely at the accident degree) – a Mercedes drives into a Paris tunnel after midnight. Possibly blinded by flashes from the paparazzi, the driver loses control of the car at 12:23 a.m. This happens as the IC on the Seine moves over the mundane Leo-Moon and the MC is close to the Aquarius-Jupiter. What an image. The woman on the back seat, who dies a few hours after the car collides with a pillar, has a Cancer-Sun with Sagittarius-AC – of all things – as the mundane signum. The accident goes around the world, also because Diana Spencer –- who would only live for 36 years – was the mother of the future King of England. Up to this day, public mistrust has never completely ceased. Suddenly the black sheep who had shaken up the Royals until the crown wobbled was now dead. A letter (FOCUS) that was coincidentally found during another case has now renewed the old rumors.

A soldier supposedly boasted in it that the special military unit SAS (Special Air Service, which is under the control of the British Secret Service) is responsible for the death of Lady Di. The authorities have allegedly known about its contents since 2011, but Scotland Yard is only now examining its "credibility" – even if it absolutely does not want to reopen the investigation. The North Node, Saturn, and Jupiter are currently triggering precisely the accident-Mars in Scorpio, Ruler of the 12th house of the drama, which means what is concealed and not yet exposed to the light. Everything is infinitely reflexive.

In the astrological sense, the time is quite appropriate since the dead often come back into the public's consciousness when their radix is touched by important transits. After all, the person's horoscope does not die with him or her. For Lady Diana Spencer, the Princess of Wales, Uranus and Pluto are in a vehement tension with the Sun at this moment. First memories of her rise to the surface through the birth of her grandson George, and then the freshly fed suspicion that it was not an accident after all back then – as her lover’s father has speculated for years. What can be done astrologically to bring more light into such cases? Not much if there are no precise birth times for the parties that may possibly be involved. Yet, a comparison with the time of the event is still possible.

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The Quadrature of The Moment

These days we wistfully remember the Grand Trine and are now rather cautiously welcoming the emergence of a Grand Cross. After all, we could only complain about the constant back and forth of Uranus and Pluto up to now; although many ills that we actually did not want to see were visible, resignation usually quickly spreads once again following a brief outcry and general indignation. But this back and forth, this wavering and hesitating, could only have been the calm before the storm.

Because Jupiter – the biggest chunk in the planetary choir and lord of the last fire sign – is coming into play. It opposes Pluto and therefore also the old structures and realities of the Capricorn archetype. Things will become fierier: Fire and water produce steam and therefore pressure in the closed cauldron of systems and concepts. And at some point, this pressure must find an expression or outlet. As so often is the case, there are at least two possibilities for this to occur.

The first is that things stay as they are. Global terror warnings are obviously already circulating and this is not completely wrong from the astrological perspective. The last oppositions between Jupiter and Pluto occurred on 26/05/2001, some months before the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001; on 11 September, Jupiter was not far from its current position in Cancer. In the review of this aspect, crises and upheavals were not individual cases as the two of them opposed each other in the years 1962 and 1963 (on the axis of Virgo – Pisces at that time); the Cuba Crisis developed into the biggest threat since the Second World War. And 1988, under the opposition in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, was the beginning collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union; a short time later, the walls of the divided Germany also fell.

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Start and End: The Zeroth Degrees

There is a very strange, special energy that connects people through this unusual charismatic position in the horoscope: Zero degrees (as well as the last degrees of a sign) represent circles that complete themselves. Like countless British kings, queens and successors to the throne before him, even the newly born little Prince George Alexander Louis of England has them once again. The oldest progenitor of this line is Sophia and she brought the 0-degree position to the center of the cosmic column. Since the important 1701 Act of Settlement, which established a new regulation for the Kingdom's throne succession, the Stuarts were replaced by the Welfs with this woman from the Palatinate. Lilith – of all influences – was in her Aries on the zero point of the Zodiac. With the "Black Eve," she contributed the emphasized position and extraordinary power of the first and last degrees into the genealogy of the new island rulers. These special classes are cosmic firecrackers. The closer to the 0 or 30 degrees, the more effective they are. This is because they create the climate of an infinite ring in every birth picture: The beginning meets the end. The past, the present, and whatever is incomplete meets the desire for perfection.

The sign’s respective quality in its purest form is linked here with the wisdom of the factors that are actually ready for the next topic far very early in a phase. Yet, they still stick to the indicated, almost completely experienced contents of the respective Zodiac stage. Seen in this light, the last degrees of the Mohicans do not have an easy time of undoing the bond with tradition, even though – with additional zero-degrees-positions – they are hungry for what is new and can also implement it. After all, the 0 itself is nothingness and the eternal circle; it seeks connection and repetition but also progress to completely new shores. As a cosmic mantra, it describes what endures eternally and is then retained transcendentally as an archetype of the substance from which the world of things is made. The British Royals very clearly show the dominance of these degrees in their astrological legacy. Here is the list of successors to the throne since the 1701 Act of Settlement:

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Welcome, Little King!

You made it! Even though it was not completely 0 degrees Leo, we were sailing close to the wind in respect to the full moon: Loop! was exactly one-and-a-half arc minutes wide of the mark with the astrological hopes for the king's birth. The new little prince of the United Kingdom was already secretly, silently, and quietly born into the world around 4:24 p.m. (London time) and therefore barely still has a Cancer Sun in the truly very last fractions of an inch: 29.58.44 degrees, with the ascendant Scorpio in the auspicious 27th degree and Venus at the royal star of Regulus, plus a strong Uranus connection through the AC and MC Lord in the nearby square to the cosmic rebels.

So Kate and William are now finally parents. The Duchess "worked" (women in England have "labor" instead of contractions) – according to the initial mental math – for about ten hours. More than four hours after the birth, she was feeling fine again, even though the day that she became a "mommy" was the hottest of the year. With this considerable delay, the public was then informed while the astrological world already expected that it was halfway in the realm of the Leo kings. The Queen’s – unusually delighted for British understatement – then stoked the rejoicing in front of the palace.

"We could not be happier," is the message that the youngest father of the royal family, Duke Wills, who was once also called "Wombat" by his parents, in his first statement through a palace speaker. But how does the natal chart of the even much younger successor to the throne? It is a powerscope with the Sun and some other factors in 8, the Moon in Capricorn – so it is close to a full moon—image. Yet, the royal zeroth degree, the royal's challenge cup, is still part of the radix: Venus is namely located at 0 degrees Virgo in House 9. What does all of this mean for the Empire? Court reporter Ms. Wetterer will soon have the astrology of the new prince analyzed extensively. Until then, we will rejoice with the island – which is now emotionally completely beside itself (also a typical Mars-Cancer phenomenon, close to Jupiter) – and wish Mum, Dad, and Baby Cambridge all the very best and above all, that they finally get some quiet from the absolutely disinhibited public. May he grow and thrive and bring a bit less monarchist dogma and more emotional empathy to the world with his water trine. The boy has the makings for this – double water – if the witnesses of the birth took a proper look at the clock. Which can be expected from a national event of this magnitude (even if the information on physical height information is still unknown at this point).

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Egypt - End of the Spring?

When the cradles of our civilization – Iraq, Syria, and Egypt – are dominated by turmoil and war, this has more than just a political significance. This is also where the spirit of our age, symbolized by the square between Uranus and Pluto, is expressed. It is an indication that more is involved than the introduction of democracy to the Arabian countries. Instead, this is about a general reorientation in a world that is increasingly losing its boundaries, in which everything is linked with everything else, and every change on the small scale has direct consequences for the whole.

So the events in Egypt are rightfully receiving the appropriate attention. Whatever happens there in the coming months can lead the way for many other developments. And if we look at the astrological background within this context as a type of mirror for the spirit of our times, it is perhaps helpful to once again visualize the basics of the above-mentioned square.

Uranus and Pluto symbolize the two archetypical streams of consciousness that have a less direct influence on the individual. They are obviously also reflected in the everyday experience of each person and can consequently be transformed and co-created – at least indirectly. But above all, both are manifested in the movement of large masses where many individuals come together and mutually create something that is more than just the sum of its parts. At the least, this is a dynamic that no one can escape in the long run.


The Uranian principle has many facets. Uranus' discovery occurred together with America's independence and the beginnings of the French Revolution. In both cases, this involved overcoming a political system in which individuals had the power to ignore the wishes and needs of the many. The monarchy as an institution was ultimately replaced by a system in which "the people" became the sovereign. In any case, this was and remains the objective.

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Jupiter in Cancer: Everything will be alright

Since June 26 morning at 3:36 a.m. (CEST), a portion of the current time quality has once again experienced a general change. From the perspective of the Earth, Jupiter has wandered into the sign of Cancer; as of now, it will constantly supply our inner images (above all, those that are related to ourselves) and the sensations connected with them. They will expand and expand and expand... And anyone who immediately thinks of bursting balloons is not entirely amiss.

In a certain sense, Jupiter in Cancer is similar to a continual Jupiter-Moon conjunction. But there are few short moments of actual, time-dominated life in which the quality of such a connection can show itself. In this respect, the next weeks and months are also an opportunity to newly adjust our own inner mirror (Moon) and orient it towards the contents that can give our entire life a helpful sense of meaning (Jupiter).

This may contain many topical areas such as the question about our own origin. In the "normal" Moon everyday life, this means our worldly family: father and mother, brothers and sisters. In which basic atmosphere did we grow up in, which image of the world has been imprinted within us as a result, and how does this also still manifest today in our fundamental feelings? Georges Gurdjieff (Jupiter in Cancer - LINK to the chart at Astrodienst) often liked to ask his students the Jupiter variation of this question:

Who were you before your parents were born?

Where the mind (Mercury) stops at the boundary of our own sensory perceptions, Jupiter takes at least one step further. Not as an end in itself, but precisely this aspect contains the meaningful elements that have always been attributed to it: showing new connections and new correlations, as well as stretching and expanding the boundaries of our own power of imagination – even in relationship to ourselves.

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The Man Who Dances with Numbers

Myths about extraordinary people may take root most easily – like the roses around Sleeping Beauty's castle. A Gemini with Scorpio AC and Aries-Moon is one of these individuals who lives behind them in his very own cosmos of numbers. With a Mercury-Jupiter constellation in the 8th House, which like Mercury-Saturn is an astrological classic of comprehensive and conclusive intelligence, Grigori Yakovlevich Perelman of St. Petersburg is one of the most exciting figures in the otherwise chilly world of mathematics. According to the standards of these planets, he is a rather non-conformist recluse who wanted to grow his fingernails as long "as the Guinness Book of Records" (quoted by his former fruit vendor) and responded to a prize of one million dollars for solving the Poincare Conjecture (one of the seven "Millennium Problems") with a bare-knuckle rejection. Out of disappointment about the organized world of science. A book by Masha Gessen about the man who is perhaps the most intelligent living person of our age has now been published by Houghton.

Grisha is the name given to Perelman, the odd character, in the industrialized settlement where he now lives in an extremely modest ambience at his mother's place (Cancer emphasis). Due to his idiosyncrasies, he has repeatedly been compared with the ingenious mathematician John Forbes Nash, who suffered from schizophrenia and about whom the award-winning film A Beautiful Mind was made. It is strange that both were born on a June 13. Where Perelman, the prodigy who has become the wondrous exceptional figure of his discipline, has a Mercury-Jupiter in Cancer, John Forbes Nash has Mercury-Pluto in the 12th House. The planet of thinking in the challenging, large aspects to the slow-runners often denotes a very special talent that is sometimes reminiscent of obsessive mental gymnastics. Such constellations have been found time and again in the geniuses of the millennia -- Einstein also had a strongly incited Mercury and his Saturn, which can both structure and determine thinking (in a specific direction), was at the conjunction in Aries. It is especially conspicuous that mathematicians or physicists frequently have an emphasis in cardinal signs. After all, the mad drive must also come from somewhere. Here is a tidbit as an aside: Asteroid 50033, which is called "Perelman" after Perelman, stands exactly at Apex 6 in Taurus in his natal chart. Grisha practically adapts the surrounding world to himself -- and not himself to the surrounding world, in keeping with an old rule of thumb: The factor on the house apex dominates the sign.

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Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2025





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