Amon, the Girl, and Courage
There are stories that are so eerie, oppressive, and courageous that they turn life and its otherwise so certain causal standards upside down. From the astrological perspective, the old "destiny planets" usually play a leading role here. On a warm August day in 2008, Chiron mundane is in conjunction with the Moon's North Node. An aspect of the most intense injury and healing. Together with Neptune, the two form a square to the Taurus birth-Saturn (and the Moon) of a 38-year-old woman who stands in a Hamburg library and leafs through a book. From one minute to the next, she suddenly loses her old life and finds a completely new identity. Her transit constellation also means: inconsolability.
The woman is very tall, beautiful, has a Cancer-Sun, and is currently experiencing the serious Pluto opposition over her Gemini-Mercury, which already brings a square to her birth-Pluto with it. This means fixated, probing thinking that encircles and senses in a detective-like manner. With her dark skin color, she had also been hurtfully called a half-breed person in earlier times. Her name is Jennifer and she is searching for something that could help her to understand her years of depression.
Instead, she unexpectedly discovers not only her mother - who she hardly knows because Jennifer is adopted and was put in a children's home as a baby, - in the book that she now opens. But also: Amon Goeth, the "Butcher of Plaszow". Sagittarius with Scorpio-Mars and Scorpio-Venus. A man who Jennifer Teege had only known up to now from the film "Schindler's List," the intensive pictures of which she would never forget. How he shot Jews from his terrace for fun or let his beloved, trained killer dogs Ralf and Rolf tear people to pieces. Her grandfather. As an adult, Jennifer Teege comes across a different life that will not leave her in peace -- precisely because she did not know about it. The truth ultimately prevails in family systems. This day ends decades of psychological torments and unknowingness by coincidence.
Under the starting Pluto transit to the Sun-Uranus square in the natal chart, she begins the search for her story and writes herself free in the end: Amon - Mein Großvater hätte mich erschossen (Amon: My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me, Rowohlt). What began with the Chiron-North Node mundane, ends with the Saturn-North Node mundane. The cycle of the development from the horrendous wound to the unadorned search for clear, unquestionable ethic in the trauma of the time. This is a very simple, courageous, and hopeful book. Just as shocking as Teege's life.
Jennifer Teege (natal chart right, without birth time) has one of these classic Sun-Uranus stories. Chronic subliminal threat, change in the core feeling, and breaks. She was passed around. She obviously already knows in 2008 that she is the daughter of a Nigerian and a German. When she coincidentally – during one of the crises with which she is long familiar but cannot explain – comes across her mother's book Ich muss doch meinen Vater lieben, oder? (But I Have to Love My Father, Don't I?), she has no idea at the start of how much her grandfather is entangled in German history. Amon Goeth, the Nazi.
After years of living as a foster child, she is adopted by a well-off Munich family during Pluto conjunction Uranus and square to the highly sensitive Cancer-Sun; afterward, she is no longer allowed to see her mother – who had hardly ever even picked her up from the children's home. Even worse for her is that she also loses her grandmother, the only relative who had given her any warmth at that time, as a result. This woman, whose beauty was inherited by her grandchild, was Amon Goeth's lover at the Polish camp of Plaszow; this is where he headed out with white gloves and a little hat whenever he felt like killing Jews. Teege now skims through all of this in a library within minutes, which turns her entire life upside down. She reads about the grandmother who later -- after Goeth's execution -- even belatedly assumes his name because she could never stop loving the charismatic, two-faced giant.
He in his black uniform with the skull buttons, and I the black grandchild. What would he have said to a dark-skinned granddaughter who even speaks Hebrew on top of it? (from: Amon, Jennifer Teege)
Amon Goeth (natal chart without birth time at left) and his grandchild Jennifer, the well-to-do Hamburg advertising copywriter, have an almost exact Pluto-Pluto-square with each other. After the Hamburg resident recognizes the name and birth date of Amon Goeth's daughter Monika as those of her own mother, she flees with the book and lays down outside on a park bench. She cannot move anymore. Everything collapses. Her Mercury stands not only under Pluto, but under Uranus in Pisces. A radical break with everything that she had thought and envisioned to herself up to now. Everything is suddenly different in her life, which had constantly been different as it was. The cardinal climate in relation to her horoscope proclaims itself in a very traumatic way.
This man, her grandfather, had killed thousands of people – many for the pure pleasure of it and with his own hands. On bright days like this day when his granddaughter stands frozen in a library and leafs through her personal, unknown history. The danger of crossing borders is already indicated in Goeth's horoscope, but not just by the Sun close to the GC degrees that already incite everything that is susceptible to energetic overexpansion or understatement. Instead, this occurs through a very finely linked disposition in the classic sequence of signs in the encounter quadrant, which often appear to be connected with the cycle of narcissism, sadism, trauma, and megalomania; above all, when they appear together with the 1st quadrant – human beings and their appearance as doers. The latter cannot be recognized in Goeth without a birth time, but the linkage of the risks with possible slide into what people call "evil" can be clearly seen at the first glance.
When Jennifer Teege slowly starts to think again in August 2008, she begins her long search for Amon, the grandfather, the murderer, the unknown ancestor who also astrologically fits into the pattern of those who have become well-known mass or serial murderers. The three zodiac signs and ruler planets of the third quadrant frequently play a role in such birth pictures. Libra or Venus – whose search for harmony and moralizing ideas can also turn into mental brutality, tactics, and propaganda, as well as constant justification of "re-action" – is thematically connected to the mental level with the constant existential threat to its first sign of Taurus. Scorpio or Mars-Pluto, where unbelievable loyalty, ethical focusing and intensity can transform into completely distorted emotional concepts that are capable of contradicting inner pressure and panic through control, dehumanized compulsion, and manipulation. And Sagittarius or Jupiter – whose visions, missions, "think-big" basics, and endless search for horizons to cross shows itself as the most extreme colonization of everything and everyone, as well as incursions into the strange aspects of every world.
Amon Goeth, friend of Oskar Schindler, has (even without the birth time) several factors of such or similarly diverse appearing, sometimes murderous pattern in the natal chart. Hitler's entire horoscope (right) contains narcissism and sadism through a number of linked components: The sign sequence of Libra to Sagittarius is already seamlessly turned into a topic in the 1st quadrant and massively leads with AC-Lady and in turn Pluto at home (in the field) into the contact of the Libra-Scorpio theme (morals or ethics). This is a first, but just very weak indication of the "option" for living the destructive pole of the sign sequence "in and of itself." The premonition is confirmed by the very dominant Venus-end rulership in the sign chain of dispositors: the world as property and propaganda field to equal degrees in 7 in Taurus. Dominant house and sign rulership of the AC-Lady with a destructive Mars at her side. As the justifier that delegates all causes to "the others" and appears in Hitler's natal chart in turn (plus Jupiter from 3, so with the self) as both the End ruler of all houses.
Amon Goeth also has this highly problematic Mars with Venus in the horoscope, which itself indirectly connects per the aspects of Libra and Aries, Taurus and Scorpio. If this was just isolated, it would by no means be enough to astrologically assume a strong susceptibility for sadistic or even narcissistic tendencies. But in the natal chart of the concentration camp commander, there is also a closed circuit from the Sun over Mercury to Jupiter and back. With the megalomaniac fantasies connected to the self that in the case of Hitler are in close antiscion to the Moon (Co-Lord 9 in 3!) and Jupiter itself in the quadrant connected to the Own. In addition, Goeth has a Pluto opposition to the Sun with its divine thrusts (especially in contact to Sagittarius), which then pulls Mars and Venus into the boat via Pluto. We know that he selected victims among the Jewish forced laborers with obsessive coldness, who he then personally humiliated, shot, or had killed by the mastiff and the German shepherd. He reportedly killed at least 500 Jews with his own hands and specifically murdered out of "desire" to kill while Hitler had people killed "collectively" and very rarely got his own hands dirty. As the mental whip with the air-AC, he needed people like Goeth who "brought life" to the first quadrants for him and assumed the "work" of murdering as representatives on his behalf.
I believe that we all carry portions of Amon Goeth within us. If I believe that I had more than others, I would think like a Nazi and believe in the power of the blood. (from: Amon, Jennifer Teege)
While Jennifer Teege, Goeth's black grandchild, also makes a topic of this difficult "hereditary" issues (because they were especially deeply abused in the Nazi morals) that are continued to be used by pop psychology under her Pluto transits (which also describes the legacy, among other things) time and again in her book and very factually distances herself from them, we can also see that she is right in doing so from the astrological perspective. Her birth disposition clearly stands out and is distinctly different from that of the grandfather. There is very little family transference here, which is otherwise frequently seen in such family systems and can sometimes even be reproduced to the exact degree.
What has been "passed on" to her tends to be the collective question of an absolutely delineated Pluto square from the supra-personal area. Especially the astrologically assumed explosive Scorpio and Sagittarius portions of Goeth – which her mother directly assumed from him – are completely lacking in Teege. They still appear for his daughter Monika (natal chart at left) in a Sun-Lilith conjunction and Moon-Mercury. In turn, Teege only has a strong similarity with her mother under the Cancer-Mars, which is the tendency toward the soft man. Both birth pictures also contain counter-signs to Amon Goeth's position. After all, his insecurity can be found precisely there – in Cancer, which for him is the symbol of confusion in the tabooed emotional realm, stamped by Neptune as the point of loneliness and frustration. You must not feel or: untangle your feelings, as was the basis for an entire generation that grew up with this pattern around the turn of the 20th century.
The daughter and granddaughter have clearly not assumed this motto since their drive is in the emotional realm and has an extremely strong attunement to sensation. Neither of them ever met the man who brought so much pain to so many people, including his descendants. His daughter was only 10 months old when he was executed. But while Monika is still influenced in the direct aftermath of Goeth's sign disposition and therefore presumably practically inhales the familiar archetypes in a completely unconscious way (she knew the story of her father), Jennifer has a totally different emotional dowry. Two children of "black men" – the one, Monika, grew up with a mother who had idealized the Nazi as a hero until her death. The other, Jennifer, in turn has been separated from this experience of complete blindness. Through a similar suppression and the rejection by a mother who is highly accustomed to suppression. So Teege grew up in the involuntary protection against this broken family system, which ultimately also massively and radically liberated her from the emotional "legacy" of this Amon. Which her natal chart already clearly shows. That she had spent years living in Israel of all places before the discovery so that she later hardly dared to tell her closest Jewish girlfriends there who she is after the shock of the sudden "knowledge" speaks as much for her as for her natal chart. And her book.
I would have been nothing but a stigma for him, a bastard who dirtied the family honor. My grandfather would have certainly shot me. (from: Amon, Jennifer Teege)
Unfortunately, the missing birth time makes it impossible to analyze why what happened in all three of the horoscopes to a more detailed degree. It is certain that nothing and no one can free the granddaughter of someone like Amon Goeth from her burden. But since Jennifer Teege knows who she is, she apparently no longer has the deep, desperate depressions that would ambush her time and again before the discovery. The truth asserts itself one way or the other, even if we have absolutely no knowledge of it. Sometimes it is like a black cloud over our entire existence. Because of her dealing with it, the search, and ultimately the radicalism of the presentation, we can really wish that Amon Goeth's granddaughter – as a highly sensitive, intelligent (Mercury-Jupiter in air), and courageous woman who radically makes her own doubts, panic, and familial burden public with the Sun-Uranus – will now be able to live a good life that is less emotionally fragmented.
Amon Goeth, her grandfather, was executed in 1946 in Krakow as Pluto was squaring his Mars-Venus conjunction in Scorpio. The execution had to be scheduled three times because the executioner underestimated Goeth's physical size each time. The latter had picked himself up and simply continued to live. A horrible image for the surviving instincts and abilities of such overly stable, fixed astrological positions. At that time, Mars-Chiron and Jupiter were positioned in Libra, where Jennifer Teege's Jupiter would also appear years later.
Which is a hopeful symbol that others, who are integrated into a cosmos through no fault of their own, are still able to and will survive time again with major strength and directness.
Picture sources: Book cover Amon, Jennifer Teege + Republic of Poland (via Wikimedia Commons)