Jupiter in Cancer: Everything will be alright
Since June 26 morning at 3:36 a.m. (CEST), a portion of the current time quality has once again experienced a general change. From the perspective of the Earth, Jupiter has wandered into the sign of Cancer; as of now, it will constantly supply our inner images (above all, those that are related to ourselves) and the sensations connected with them. They will expand and expand and expand... And anyone who immediately thinks of bursting balloons is not entirely amiss.
In a certain sense, Jupiter in Cancer is similar to a continual Jupiter-Moon conjunction. But there are few short moments of actual, time-dominated life in which the quality of such a connection can show itself. In this respect, the next weeks and months are also an opportunity to newly adjust our own inner mirror (Moon) and orient it towards the contents that can give our entire life a helpful sense of meaning (Jupiter).
This may contain many topical areas such as the question about our own origin. In the "normal" Moon everyday life, this means our worldly family: father and mother, brothers and sisters. In which basic atmosphere did we grow up in, which image of the world has been imprinted within us as a result, and how does this also still manifest today in our fundamental feelings? Georges Gurdjieff (Jupiter in Cancer - LINK to the chart at Astrodienst) often liked to ask his students the Jupiter variation of this question:
Who were you before your parents were born?
Where the mind (Mercury) stops at the boundary of our own sensory perceptions, Jupiter takes at least one step further. Not as an end in itself, but precisely this aspect contains the meaningful elements that have always been attributed to it: showing new connections and new correlations, as well as stretching and expanding the boundaries of our own power of imagination – even in relationship to ourselves.
The Man Who Dances with Numbers
Myths about extraordinary people may take root most easily – like the roses around Sleeping Beauty's castle. A Gemini with Scorpio AC and Aries-Moon is one of these individuals who lives behind them in his very own cosmos of numbers. With a Mercury-Jupiter constellation in the 8th House, which like Mercury-Saturn is an astrological classic of comprehensive and conclusive intelligence, Grigori Yakovlevich Perelman of St. Petersburg is one of the most exciting figures in the otherwise chilly world of mathematics. According to the standards of these planets, he is a rather non-conformist recluse who wanted to grow his fingernails as long "as the Guinness Book of Records" (quoted by his former fruit vendor) and responded to a prize of one million dollars for solving the Poincare Conjecture (one of the seven "Millennium Problems") with a bare-knuckle rejection. Out of disappointment about the organized world of science. A book by Masha Gessen about the man who is perhaps the most intelligent living person of our age has now been published by Houghton.
Grisha is the name given to Perelman, the odd character, in the industrialized settlement where he now lives in an extremely modest ambience at his mother's place (Cancer emphasis). Due to his idiosyncrasies, he has repeatedly been compared with the ingenious mathematician John Forbes Nash, who suffered from schizophrenia and about whom the award-winning film A Beautiful Mind was made. It is strange that both were born on a June 13. Where Perelman, the prodigy who has become the wondrous exceptional figure of his discipline, has a Mercury-Jupiter in Cancer, John Forbes Nash has Mercury-Pluto in the 12th House. The planet of thinking in the challenging, large aspects to the slow-runners often denotes a very special talent that is sometimes reminiscent of obsessive mental gymnastics. Such constellations have been found time and again in the geniuses of the millennia -- Einstein also had a strongly incited Mercury and his Saturn, which can both structure and determine thinking (in a specific direction), was at the conjunction in Aries. It is especially conspicuous that mathematicians or physicists frequently have an emphasis in cardinal signs. After all, the mad drive must also come from somewhere. Here is a tidbit as an aside: Asteroid 50033, which is called "Perelman" after Perelman, stands exactly at Apex 6 in Taurus in his natal chart. Grisha practically adapts the surrounding world to himself -- and not himself to the surrounding world, in keeping with an old rule of thumb: The factor on the house apex dominates the sign.
Who Rules the World? (1)
Who really rules our world today -- the opinions on this are deeply divided. The ages of a Sun King, the idealization of the Leo archetype, are over. Uranus now rules in the form of countless groups, organizations, and communities that often operate behind the scenes. However, an official poster child of this development can still be found in the meeting of the powerful at the G8 summits. This is what occurred at the start of the week on June 17 around 3 p.m. as the political leaders of America, Russia, Germany, France, England, Canada, Japan, and Italy sat down at a little round table to solve the acute problems of the world.
Why China is still missing in this circle but the EU is represented multiple times is probably due less to the significance of these states than the old political reservations. Nevertheless, an astrological glance behind the official facades seems like a good idea. Who are the men and women governing our world, who gets along with each other – or not, and, above all: How are they involved in the current topics of our age?
Vladimir Putin
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin will be allowed to go first. As can easily be recognized in almost every photo from recent weeks, Putin apparently has a permanent bad mood. A Sun-Saturn conjunction obviously cannot be expected to be the life of every party, even if the Sun is in Libra and has a Neptune-Mercury conjunction at its side. But power weighs heavy on his shoulder during these days. This situation is compounded (in the course of Saturn's transit over his Scorpio-Venus) by the divorce from Lyudmila, his wife of many years. And all of this could possibly get much worse.
Methusaleh: Long Life made easy
He lived for 42,422 days or more than 116 years - if his data is correct, which has even been scientifically studied in the meantime. The Aries Methuselah Jiroemon Kimura has now died, six years younger than the mega-record holder, double Pisces Jeanne Calment (picture) who entered the annals of age with her 122 years. Even with a different birth month, the Japanese Kimura (who the registry office has recently presumed to be a Pisces after all) would have a linked lucky four-leaf clover of Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter in his horoscope. However, the oldest person in the world has now made space for an Iron Lady by the name of Misao Okawa (115 years and 100 days) on the list of evergreen human beings. In turn, this little persevering Pisces woman proves to have super stamina with the three slow-runners, a signum of the golden vintage that has only been survived by a handful of the elders. But what about the personal, astrological indications of a long existence – even without such generational aspects?
In astrology, Saturn (the Capricorn ruler) is always also the lord of the three time periods: past, present, and future – what has come into the world, what exists, and what will still happen. It reflects time itself, which also includes old age. A well-placed Saturn as the basis of a very long life is therefore certainly not a flaw because it also symbolizes stubborn and stable relationships in every respect. Yet, whether someone exceeds the customary span of existence also depends just as much on Jupiter. Because it exaggerates everything that lives to the point of the superlative, it also stands for records. Capricorn, as the sign after Sagittarius and therefore also its "2nd House," marks Jupiter's talents and longevity when it is connected to Saturn. These two factors are also found more frequently in “ancient” people, linked with their personal planets. According to the currently presumed date, Jiroemon Kimura had a good Sun-Jupiter trine and Moon-Saturn; his successor Misao Okawa has a Moon-Saturn-Uranus trine with a Jupiter sextile and Sun-Saturn.
Time reaches for a Murderer
Poison for Pablo Neruda?
The actual story was that he died a natural death many years ago -- if this term can even be applied to cancer as a disease. But it is possible that Pablo Neruda, one of the greatest poets of the last century and a person with a repeated emphasis in the zodiac sign of Cancer, may have been the victim of a poisoner back then. He certainly experienced difficult times in the astrological sense: In September of 1973, Saturn went direct and Pluto moved from the square just above his difficult conjunction of Mars-Neptune in the 8th House. Especially due to the involvement of the Pisces Lord, the new murder by poisoning hypothesis is ultimately not as far-fetched as it may sound at first glance – particularly since it comes from the police, more than 40 years after the incident. The investigation has now been reopened with an extreme delay.
A confidante of the poet (his chauffeur and secretary) had long claimed that Augusto Pinochet had the Nobel Prizewinner killed due to his sympathies for the Allende Government and because he could have become a problem after the putsch. What was initially dismissed in the world as classic legend creation cannot be so easily denied when seen in astrological terms. In the horoscope comparison, the dictator places his Pluto on Pablo Neruda's Mars-Neptune and this illustrates his Pluto transits at the time of death far too well for these correlations to be simply construed. In all of his passion and eloquence, the poet was already a type of shadow for the general. His Sun is reflected directly on Neruda's gateway in Cancer: his strength of soul, love of existence and inner homeland, which he painted with words like hardly anyone before and after him.
Tornados - Chaos and Destruction
While watching yesterday's evening news, I was already delighted that no little red lights were flashing. It seemed like business as usual. Just a few more hours and the square between Uranus and Pluto would be exact for the third time – and nothing happened. Astrologers sometimes truly hope that certain images in the firmament will have no meaning for once.
Then the pictures from Moore, Oklahoma, a small town devastated by a tornado, arrived this morning. The residents say that it appeared too quickly and too suddenly. And sixteen minutes advance warning time was too short, even for the inhabitants of a city in which tornados have become a threat over and over again. Which raises the question: Are there perhaps astrological signatures under certain circumstances within specific timeframes that could at least provide a rough idea of such natural phenomenon? And, if the first meteorological warning signs could actually be observed, would it be possible to lengthen the advance warning times?
This is certainly a daring thesis and I candidly admit that I have hardly thought about this combination up to now. Even if it was quite customary in earlier times to derive medium- and long-term weather forecasts from astrological constellations. But we now live in an age in which even a majority of the astrological community is convinced that there is no causal effective correlation between positions of the planets and "outer" events. Instead, astrology is more or less seen as just a symbolic language of the spirit that solely enables pictorial access to our inner areas of experience.
Angelina Jolie: When Mars cuts the Moon
The story of someone who set out to simply cut off fate: Angelina Jolie has a Moon-Mars. This conjunction can be radical and even very, very radical when it is in Aries, with Jupiter, in a fire house, and stands close to the Midheaven to make matters worse. During the vehement transits of the Uranus-Pluto square across this constellation, the actress – as just announced – has recently had both breasts amputated. Because, as she says, she carries a "defective" gene that predestines her for breast and ovarian cancer – with a probability of 87 percent. Her Aries cluster is actually opposed by Pluto, which sometimes mixes genetic "imperfections" into a life. The problem: This Pluto cannot be simply cut off, even by sacrificing a woman's breasts.
After all, the Moon-Mars can be many things: highly spontaneous, self-injuring, and aggressive toward one's own feelings, but also rigid when decisions are required. In addition, the Moon-Mars drives out everything that is phony within an individual and others, as well as what lies beneath or covers the surface. And this constellation "smells" every form of Jupiter-Neptune wherever it may be, which it then must unintentionally bring out of the shadows. This is the case because Aries-Cancer reflects Pisces and Sagittarius. Actress Christina Applegate likewise has the Moon-Mars conjunction, but in Pisces; she also had her breasts (Moon) removed (Mars) as a preventive measure. Even though this only occurred when she actually contracted the cancer. Jolie's Mars in Aries is faster and takes more vehement action. She continued to work around the amputation, has become frighteningly thin, and even collapsed during a case of charity stress; but she continues to live her life as if nothing has happened. This may seem absurd from the human perspective, but it is comprehensible in astrological terms. Can such a fate actually be negated?
Missing for Years - Suddenly back again
When the first report about Brenda Heist appeared at the start of last week, everyone still believed that this was an individual case: a special expression of the Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon that also involved Saturn. A woman suddenly disappears without a trace (Uranus-Neptune) years ago in the USA, then suddenly and mysteriously appears again eleven years later.
But yesterday, at the time of the exact conjunction of the Moon and Uranus, three women were freed from imprisonment that lasted almost as long in Cleveland, Ohio. Amanda Berry and Gina de Jesus (together with Michelle Knight) were – according to the initial reports – kidnapped by three brothers (Editor's Note: after this article was written, it turned out that there was just one perpetrator: Ariel Castro) and imprisoned for almost ten years just barely one kilometer from their parents' homes. Even if the two cases are significantly different from each other, the astrological backgrounds ultimately show an astonishing amount of common factors.
Brenda Heist
Brenda Heist falls completely out of the customary framework for stories about missing persons since she is both a victim and a perpetrator. Born on 4/22/1959, an initial glance shows two special astrological characteristics. On the one hand, there is an opposition between Mars (Cancer) and Saturn (Capricorn); both also have a square with Mercury (Aries). This basic tension can manifest as an inhibition. The person's own drive is related strongly to sensing and feeling, but usually contradicts the requirements of everyday life. And also what "a person should do" and "what is right." This is often experienced as a split in oppositions; then there are usually the demands of the surrounding world, the "authorities," and their requirements that individuals see as the cause of their own failure. In any case, this is true until they recognize that they are ultimately just chafing at their own standards. Then the same principle can be expressed as the ability to responsibly harmonize the individual actions with the necessities and rules of everyday life: Once decisions have been made, they are constantly and reliably put into practice.
Venus Saturn: The Power of Money
Marissa Mayer is very rich. And Marissa Mayer is very young. The Gemini woman with retro Mercury has Venus-Saturn in the radix, a branding of stable money. She has not just been considered a czarina of success since it became public that the talented and innovative-hungry computer scientist receives an astronomical annual salary of 36.6 million dollars for her job. Of which the majority is in stock. With the Saturnine signum, manager Mayer splendidly fits a pattern that is significantly shown by nine out of ten of the richest billionaires (top of the current Forbes list) in their horoscopes. On the heliocentric or geocentric level. Such a clustering is very unusual.
Even more clearly than on Jupiter’s team – which is certainly equated with abundance – the super-rich stand on Saturn's shoulders. Marissa Mayer with her very promising conjunction may not yet sit in the sacred halls of the genuine Scrooge Mucks. But the woman, who was just bought over from the Google team by Yahoo last year and is now making headlines with the top remuneration, is already on the best path. It is already assumed that she will be one of the ten tech leaders of the future. But this is no surprise with a proper Mars-Jupiter in Aries. Which she incidentally also has in common with the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim Helu.
That mega initiative also makes mega money is far from obvious. But those who have Venus-Saturn can apparently hope for concretization of their talents. Because Saturn and Venus materialize things. Here are the corresponding links of the top tycoons on the list of the richest with their full treasure chests: