
Astrology + News

Revolution - we can change the world


What does " revolution" have to do with astrology? Hard to believe, but true: the word revolution was taken from the late Latin "revolutio" (revolution) in the 15th century and initially referred to the circulation of celestial bodies in the "astronomology" of the time. And Nicolaus Copernicus initiated a real revolution through his work "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium", in which he reported on the cyclical orbits of all planets (including the Earth) around the sun .

Synchronized with today's full moon, which is integrated into the polar energy ping-pong of the Leo-Aquarius axis, the headline could also read:

Who am I really and why so many?

But maybe you can also combine both, which I am going to try in this article.

Naturally, "the lion" represents the stage in every development in which everything seems to focus on a common center. Whether it is the human experience in and of itself and any other phenomenon makes a difference only in name; the principle remains the same.

But everything within our experience consists of polar opposites, any fixation on one part automatically and immediately also creates the opposite. Centralization and de-centralization in connection as part of the whole would be a friendly description of the current full moon.

And yes, our inner spiritual center, which is mostly associated with a very clear idea of "I-am-this-and-that-but-that-and-that-I-am-not-any-case", creates a certain sense of security. The more the better, basically that's exactly what we like so much. No more annoying self-doubt, whatever we do should be supported by an unshakable self-esteem. The king or queen is me, and I am what I am , simply because I am who I am.

However, on the basis of a very centralist perspective, which unfortunately often no longer leaves any room for other perspectives and states of being as equal, possible alternatives. At least that happens in extreme cases, when this false security has created a narcissistic ego. But since "this other" continues to exist in all its diversity,these egos must now look for another "playing field". So what cannot or does not want to be integrated into th e central self then usually assumes a foreign identity. Of course, this takes place only within one's own universe, i.e. in the figurative sense also "in me". But since this inside at the same time determines and thus also creates my outside, I meet myself through this diversity of the outer world.

Different people, other countries, different customs.

Change3Which, as one can easily determine, especially in these days and times, in turn leads to uncertainty about one's own self, one's own central identity and subsequently to the attempt to fixate even more on oneself and, in the worst case, what seems to be so contradictory and irritating, out of the way. Should go, no matter how. All (idealistic?) tendencies arise from the same principle. Whether one finds his calling as an occidental troublemaker seeking a secure identity without foreign influences, or as a rootless individual seeking salvation in the obsessive ideas of a strictly regulated and allegedly God-willed society.

But whenever rigorous solutions are propagated, which consequently involve the "annihilation" of the supposedly disturbing, one can be pretty sure that every step in this direction will result in the exact opposite. Nothing will be accomplished at all and worse, destructive cycles are created, their negative effects spinning out of control at a point of no return.

From my point of view, the fundamental, Uranian way of thinking and acting differs. Here, "opening up to diversity is a means to an end, the final preparation for the final, Neptunian symbiosis, which no longer excludes and represses anything. Of course, this is no longer controllable in the usual sense and strictly speaking no longer logical, although Aquarius is an air sign. Why the flap of a butterfly's wings in Japan can cause a tornado in America always remains the secret of two different expressions of the universe, which are not "co-opted" by any ominous principle, but are part of a world where everything is interconnected and cannot exist separately.

The true Leo archetype has integrated this multiplicity, therefore for him this no longer poses a threat. Likewise, Uranus can be individualized, no longer being just a principle, but coming alive and significant on n a deep and personal level In the end all the black and white labelling will become superfluous. Everything will be part of something greater than themselves, be it communities, groups, which will be perceived as a collection of individuals and the best part of humanity And with that, there will be also humane ways and opportunities to resolve conflicts and allowing others the freedom to be and think differently. In this way, real encounters at eye level can take place. Rigid fixations can be set into motion, both on a small and large scale.

And we live in a time that requires us to do just that in this respect. Not only through external limitations and difficult circumstances, but also through a radicalization of our own, internal, and entrenched structures.

Unfortunately, we return to old patterns and habits when overwhelmed. Then, according to an inner code and certain laws, we usually behave completely unconsciously and sometimes compulsively. It is these moments in life when inner images are imposed on external circumstances. Moments when a dangerous snake suddenly writhes in the semi-darkness of a room, but it "transforms" into a simple rope in the glow of a ray of light. And there are moments when familiar people appear to us as monsters and enemies, while we perceive fraudsters and thieves as wise advisors and best friends.

Change5The unconsciously wanted or rejected breaks ground in its own dynamics and permeates our experience in such a way that it becomes dreamlike. Therefore, it is part of a conscious development to perceive and distinguish this more and more frequently and clearly. From the moment when we are awake, seeking connection with our inner selves and the outside world, experiencing both as an interactive multiplicity that cannot be separated.

But when the dream cocoon lays over one's own ideas and realities, the rest of the world ceases to exist in its manifold possibilities. And it seems to show us only one face, one side. Against which we then rage in defense as Don Quixote once did, or we celebrate and elevate them to a false idol, a golden calf from which we expect to fulfill our every wish

However, there is a reliable regulator – if one has not coincidentally already seen a world as a dictator to shape his world into one's own image, at least temporarily, due to unlimited power. Life will defend itself against any restriction of universal potentiality. So whenever we dream up our projections to life as a whole, we receive feedback in form of an obstacle or a blocker. "Things" do not want to fit into our concept (although there is also a normal variant of obstacles in this regard, which shows up in all developments...). Or we need an enormous expenditure of energy and strength to drive forward the adaptation of being to the desired appearance, at least millimetre by millimetre, for a relatively short time.

An enormous source of strength for the "realization of these dreams" can be world views, religions, and similar backgrounds that confirm us in our dream. In a positive case, the contents of these spiritual foundations bring us back on the way back to life in all its fullness. By pointing out avoidable mistakes, traps and mistakes.

But even the negative variant is possible and there are countless examples of this right now, in which one-sided views are not only confirmed by pseudo-spiritual illusions, but even exaggerated and declared absolute.

Revo1Therefore, whenever seemingly divine powers or the Creator himself are placed at the service of a self-centered thing and conviction, the utmost caution is required. For in most cases, it is not "the dear God" himself who speaks clearly and audibly for all beings, but individual individuals declare themselves to be a mouthpiece, an extended arm of the highest, right and true. Our virtual world on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Co. is currently full of such heavenly sole representatives, who surround themselves with the nimbus to understand the true language and thus also the true messages of the cosmos correctly and to convey them accordingly. And in a difficult time, they run open, inner doors with many people who are looking for explanations and culprits, so that they finally understand who and what is responsible for their fears, depression and anger impulses.

At present times one hears the call for a revolution in the absolute freedom of our individual being, and the announcement of a great turning point. In everyday life, suddenly everything revolves around b tanks and electric cars, wind turbines or solar cells, so that on the one hand you can finally eliminate the evils of the world and on the other hand get the world climate back under control.
The bad guys, on the other hand, usually do the same thing in their own way, and so the world is moving day by day in a direction that pretty much excludes anything we need most right now.
And no, this is not about spreading my political views.
And yes, I find any violence, whether in everyday life or in a state of war, completely inhumane and would like to do everything I can to prevent people from hurting or even killing each other. I could now go on about tanks or about a possibilities of a nuclear holocaust, but that's exactly what I do not want which is why my announced article about the current year has not been published so far. But anyone who actually thinks that life could be saved with weapons l lives in a world in which there will also be a climate catastrophe.

Revo2After all, how can everything that is currently changing our entire planet in such a way that the survival of all humanity is endangered be changed if we do not tackle it as a global community? Whether we live in Russia, Ukraine, China, Taiwan, Europe, Africa, South and North America, or Australia, we are more interdependent than ever. Even when it comes to changes that need to be implemented here and now, so that the suffering and horror for many people in our global community can be limited in the coming years, at least in the most important parts.
If you really want to understand on an astrological level the principle of Leo and Aquarius and what will be vital for us in the next few years when Pluto passes through the eleventh zodiac sign, you can clarify this by asking a few simple questions.

Will there be any place on this planet where people will not be affected by a global and continuous heat wave? Will there be any country that will not be completely changed by the continued weakening of our planetary magnetic field from the effects of coming solar storms? If the rainforest and algae of the sea continue to be damaged and destroyed, will there be people anywhere on this planet who can continue to breathe without oxygen? And will a possible 3rd World War and nuclear war leave somewhere on this earth a place where you can continue to philosophize every day on social media with people who no longer exist about the great air epochs and turning points?

Everyone should be able to understand the answer – we will only continue to maintain this planet as a home for all people if we, as a global community, do everything in our power to do what is necessary. We are not only interdependent, but coexist with all living things and all of nature on this wonderful planet. And only global cooperation will be able to prevent us from having to experience things in a few years that we already fear today, but still push away in the hope that everything will be fine. By itself and with the help of weapons, electric cars, wind turbines and occasionally a meat free day weekday.

It won't...

Unfortunately, at the moment there are also many "influencers" who claim to know exactly what is going on in this world, who the good guys and bad guys are, and what would really and truly be best for all of us. This would be as easy as taking good care of ourselves, acting only in our self-interest, freeing and strip ourselves from all dependencies...

Change4Some of them also use the model of astrology to influence and manipulate others. The world becomes a projection of their own illusions and wants, the person seeking advice, the potential client, the liker and follower takes on this world view. And always there is the reference to a seemingly secure, cosmic basis, to a "luminous language of the constellations", which only they, the mouthpieces of the cosmos, can correctly understand and interpret.

For this reason, I will to use astrology to point out opportunities to take us on a path to to implement helpful and meaningful changes as Pluto transits.

Be aware, constellation astrology is by no means a scientific science. It consists of beliefs of and many statements that lack quantitative and qualitative evidence

As a non-astrologer, how do you recognize the principle of Aries in a person? Do all people under the influence of Mars-stressed beings have a crooked nose, are near sighted s or fundamentally aggressive? Are they always impulsive with a simple mind and cannot complete a project? Perhaps they are Or fantastic lovers, or glorious heroes in battle? This may be the case from time to time but there is as of now, no reliable scientific research on that topic

The dark Scorpion, the loving Libras, the visionary Sagittarius, the relaxed Taurus– all these are labels with which almost each of us can identify from time to time. They are certainly archetypes that derive their raison d'être from the collected history of mankind. But do they really refer to the position of the sun, moon and planets? And do such simple headings even begin to do justice to the incredibly complex structure of the astrological model?

Whoever deals honestly with this topic cannot euphorically and unreservedly affirm it. No, there is no evidence in this sense. And yes, even gravity and gravity are not yet a fact in the scientific sense, proven as a cause of effects. Nevertheless, Newton's apple falls from seemingly top to bottom in 99.99% of all observations. This is called a fact.

For the determination of absolute and superficial character traits of "zodiac signs" there is no such fact.

And that, in turn, is a fact.

So anyone who uses astrology as a guide must know that he or she will ultimately find a very individual and subjective truth depending on background and personal experiences vision of life in signs, planets and aspects. They will not find absolute, immovable truth that appliesvto everyone The astrological model offers a wonderful, universal primordial basis to awaken one's own inspiration and intuition. With their help, images and associations are created, and when all good things come together, these images can actually become a help for those seeking advice. Give orientation and serve self-discovery. This lead to more confidence in one's own possibilities and generate more understanding for the uniqueness of others. All this is within the realm of possibilities

Change2But whenever consulting astrologers believe that they ultimately know what the situation is for the entire world and all other people (after all, a moon in Scorpio can only feel this way and not differently and Mars in Leo cannot act differently), then they are mistaken, they must be wrong. Because they impose too small a form of imagination over far too large, universal principles. Which does not do justice to the astrological system, nor to a counterpart seeking advice. Every consultation must only be a cautious approach to the reality of the other, the person who stands or sits before you physically in all his contradictions and contradictions.

The actual adaptation must take place within the system, the system requires optimization in the sense of humans and never vice versa.

So if, contrary to expectations, the Aquarius in front of me is sensitive, emphatic and authentic as a personality, although hardly any water can be found in the radix, then that is a fact. And if my own astrological model cannot explain this fact, then I have a new task. To research and find out where I was wrong in this view.

It must never be that we label people by their apparent zodiac sign qualities together with the intended forms of expression palatable, persuade or impose them, and also present this as a development of consciousness.

Even the best of the best astrologers can claim to have discovered a doorway opening into a myriad of rooms. And there will certainly be many people who can find themselves in the description of these forms of expression. But just as many others who don't. Not because they are stubborn, defiant, unreasonable, or stupid, but because the expressions described do not correspond to their own experience.

This example shows that the astrological model has more in common with quantum physics than with the locally effective forces of Newton's world view. Therefore, in their parts cannot be fixed absolutely and superficially, to only one meaning and one expression. The interaction of all these factors reflect an energetic background within a time window. Just like a fish or a bird, experience this background completely differently than a human, different people with the same background can also have different experiences.

If this were not the case, then there would only be twelve different expressions of being in the world and in the universe. But if one considers the possibilities of combinations, then one should rather assume 12 different forms of expression, which would correspond to about 8,916,100,448,256 possibilities. If you add the number of planetary positions and aspects, as well as the gray area of the still undiscovered but effective factors, you can confidently say goodbye to an astrological model that puts square pegs into a round hole to create a world that gives the impression of control and predictability

BigMountainThe astrological model is difficult to grasp in its complexity. On the one hand, there is the sheer immeasurable diversity that shows up in every single radix, but on the other hand, there are also many red threads that can make important things visible and comprehensible, which would otherwise elude conscious understanding. There are clear structures and approaches to approach the reality of the experience and it describes in its own way also infinite number of realities, is a universal parable for life and experience in and of itself. And it is always most helpful and coherent where method and experience are in harmony.

It is a blessing, therefore, because every being and every experience can find itself in it. But only if one's own views and investments are not adapted to the model, but the model to one's own understanding. As a consequence, everyone should and should be a good astrologer for themselves. While the others are companions whose views and approaches repeatedly expand the tight corset of their own dreamed up world view. Precisely because of their otherness, even if this seems to contradict their own being.

But the further one progresses on this self-determined path, the more fluid the transitions between the seemingly irreconcilable will become. And in the end, there may be a one-view that is anything but simple-minded, although it has abolished all polarity.

Seen in this way, the still existing image of a star astrologer is a discontinued model. A transformation from those who know domination, who are closer to the heavens, to equal companions who are available to each other with their experiences. And this change is desirable and necessary, if astrology is to be available in a few hundred years as a life aid.

What distinguishes us as advisors is our own experience. How many times have I experienced transitions of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto? What ways did I personally find in dealing with it that were helpful and constructive? Which of these is perhaps transferable, what does justice only to me in my peculiarity?

GruppeAnkuendigungHaendeAnd above all – what do I know about my triggers, my triggers for my own dream and trauma sequences. Does my counterpart offer me such? Simply through his being, his individual constellations? How do I recognize this, how does my inner setting change when these triggers take place?

Answering all these questions requires one's own experience. So it is not enough if I, as an astrological consultant and supervisor, have acquired theoretical interpretive knowledge. I must also be able to reconcile this theoretical background with my own astrological experience.

Here perhaps a problem arises, a problem of methodology. Because in ancient classical astrology is and was mainly worked with theoretical timelines. However, these are difficult to experience directly, their effect is often only evident in retrospect, but offers no possibility of direct, timely experience. But how should one work energetically with a background of knowledge that cannot be directly experienced?

It is not possible and from my point of view there is only one way.

The perception of peculiarity in the moment of now.

This may sound more like meditation than astrological work and yes, it is true, both together make a deeper sense. Beyond abstract interpretation and interpretation.

If I take my own radix as an expression of my individual disposition and constantly compare the current state of the planets with it, I will quickly determine when my "energetic dream sequences", for better or for worse, activate themselves. I can check the astrological model almost every second, based on its agreement with my own experience.

The hike of AC, MC and the tops of the houses offers the first possibilities of orientation within one day.

I will continue to experience that I have similar experiences over and over again under certain moon positions. Even if place, time and circumstances are completely different and not comparable. I will learn how my dream of Venus worlds shows up in experience, how faces transform in my view under the influence of Mercury or Mars. How my life force seems to rise and fall under the transitions of the sun. And how feelings and emotions alternate like the ocean in constant floods of euphoria and mood lows.

I don't even have to have more astrological knowledge than most people already have. Twelve signs, ten planets and the 24-hour circle of houses. Otherwise, I only need the correctly calculated times for transitions and triggers.

In the next step, I record my experiences in these times, without judgment and interpretation, pure description. After a few weeks, I can begin to compare this with the conventional astrological attributions of meaning. And I will be amazed to find that much of it very aptly describes my respective experience, if I only refer to it and do not consider the external circumstances as causes.

But I will also find that some descriptions are just not accurate. And here I can personally begin to add a new word, a new sentence, a new section or even a new chapter to the great collective astrology book of accumulated human experiences.

And not just me, but everyone who can connect with the cosmic images sincere and with an open mind, and sincerely, will become a part of the whole.

NeptunsNeumondA global network of experiences that we could share more easily and quickly today than ever before. And over time, these experiences become a knowledge, a rock in the surf of changeability. They point the way to new shores, to new insights, to breaking the chains of old patterns and habits.

But only them. No astrologer, however good he may do his work, can give this experience to another person. He or she can only guide him or her on how this experience can become part of one's own being. To show the way there, initially as a wise coach at best, later as an equal supervisor and finally as a learner of the uniqueness of the former learner.

In the exchange and equal existence of the many sighted and experiences, the actual depth and wisdom of the astrological model will then be revealed step by step. What seems impossible will determine reality. Everything is connected to everything, is mutually dependent and does not need an either-or. Either-or is then only a clever means of orientation and decision-making aid, but when it comes to the diversity of life, may also be what was and is anyway.

The smallest becomes big in relation to something smaller, the largest becomes small in relation to something bigger. And the plutonic part of the sensation can show itself both as neurosis and as wisdom. In one and the same moment, on two different beings.

It could be the time when people meet in the evening and ask: "Hey, how was your Mars transit today? Has there been progress or has your anger trauma caught you off guard again?" And you exchange ideas about possibilities and behaviors, experiences and experiences. No longer related to external constraints, but to the inner freedom to change.

And those who go this way longer will naturally be asked. Advice based on their experience. In this sense, they will continue to be consultants, an energetic personal trainer who teaches you how to work with the dumbbells of a Saturn transit.

But all narcissistic, self-proclaimed prophets who continue manipulate other people will then only be regarded as special cases of certain expressions. And one will try to lovingly free them from their destructive worship of self so that they can also become a part of the big picture and finally experience how wonderfully empathy and sincerity can work together when it comes to a happy life for all.

It may be that this is just a dream and will remain so. But many things have happened in the history of mankind that no one would have thought possible. So why shouldn't humanity's oldest knowledge come to new glory, adapted to the needs of today's people, without losing its depth and universality?

In any case, it is a dream and a wish for this full moon, dedicated to all those who have set in motion journey on this path over the course of many millennia and based on to us their knowledge and experience, motivated only by the desire to help others.

And the more of us will follow this path, utilizing the latest research and means of communication the more people will join on this journey

Over time, a new global network might develop that will give us wisdom, understanding and universal joy

That would probably be a real upheaval, a real revolution and perhaps also a model for our societies.


So dear astrologers, if you really believe that it is time for change, then now would be the best time to start bringing this wonderful method of astrology into our world.

Yes, sadly, this would also mean the end of "star astrology" and its self-proclaimed representatives would be just funny museum pieces in a few years, whose lectures you still listen to every now and then to remember what not to do.

But we would finally be a community of seekers and finders who help and support each other on their respective paths to real freedom. Global friendswho can finally understand the imagery of the cosmos as we have always wished.

Pictures: Collages from originals by PIXABAY (Michele Caballero, Siamitras Kassube, Devanath, Stefan Keller, Gerd Altmann)
Translation: Martina Dahl

Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2024





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